Friday, July 20, 2007

Market Day

If I were an NPR correspondent I would begin this entry with the line, "This is the final segment in a series of stories on Istanbul's neighborhood markets". This morning I visited my neighborhood market. The Bebek market is small, much smaller than either the immigrant market or the one in Kadaköy. In all honestly though, how many successive tables of zucchini are necessary?

I walked away with not only fresh produce but a decent sun dress (purchased for the equivalent of $3). Very little can make me happier than the combined forces of fruits, vegetables and clothing. My purchases included...

1 kilo leaf spinach
.5 kilo apricots
1 kilo peaches
.5 kilo tomatoes
1 bag dried figs
2 strangely colored apples
1 sun dress

...all for about $12. Oh Bebek neighborhood market, come home with me; I promise I'll be good to you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

buy meeee a sundress. ill even give you FIVE dollars (that's a 66% profit!)

but seriously, if it wouldnt be at all inconvenient, ill give you like 10 bucks for a cute sundress. :)

ps i read about the elections in turkey and i thought of you!!!!

pps- im so jealous of all of your pictures on this blog!

ppps (last one, promist) I MISS YOU!